Pumpkin’s Back Alright!

I know that the headless horseman is a Halloween cliche, but for my pumpkin carving I still found myself drawn to the typical image of the horseman riding in the moonlight.  I used a couple of reference photos for the headless horseman, but deviated to make the design my own.

But first, the pumpkin had to be chosen.  Minion and I headed to Raab’s Fruit Farm to check out the gourd situation.

I shelled out twelve bucks for that baby and brought it on over to my parent’s house.

Minion chose a tall pumpkin and opted to carve a house with different scenes in the windows.  It is awesome, and I’ll be sure to share it in a later post once she finishes it. I chose a pumpkin with a flat side so that I would have lots of room for my scene.

I lightly sketched some of the image onto the pumpkin so I would know if it was in the right place.

I even got into the character of the HHM and beheaded my pumpkin.  I remind myself of Gollum in this precioussss…I mean, in this PICTURE.  In other news, check out my guns…not too bad for a scrawny girl, right?

Remember, when beheading the pumpkin, cut at an angle so that the top doesn’t slide down into the pumpkin.

Once I removed the innards, I could begin carving.

They never look like much until you light em’ up.

I even made a slight reference to Ichabod Crane peering out from behind the tree on the left.

Cliche or not, I’m glad I chose the headless horseman to carve.  I feel  like I was challenged, and that’s always a satisfying feeling to overcome. Eric was disappointed that I didn’t carve a portrait of Ron Paul, but maybe I will before  Halloween.  Just for him!  I am, after all, hankering to do another pumpkin portrait!

** If you have any pictures of pumpkins that you’ve carved please share them.  I would love to put together a post featuring your pumpkin carvings!  Email me a picture or two at melodyjmartin@gmail.com on or before October 22nd, and I’ll see what I can do!**

About Melody

My name is Melody Martin. Check out my art blog, and learn all about the steps and techniques that go into oil paintings.
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20 Responses to Pumpkin’s Back Alright!

  1. deAnn Roe says:

    that’s awesome Melody!!!

  2. Carolyn Martin says:

    fantastic Melody!!!!!!!

  3. Eric Martin says:

    I like your pumpkin, and I love that you linked to Ron Paul’s campaign. Your my best friend and the best artist I’ve ever met.

  4. Harmony says:

    Mel, you are SOOOO good!!!

  5. Holly Niphakis says:

    I really like this pumpkin … the horse looks ‘other-worldly’ with fire in his eyes and snorting smoke. ole pumpkin head looks scarey too. I also like the ‘feeling’ of the sky, like blotched with clouds.

  6. elizabethjancewicz says:

    Whoa, that is so impressive! I love how you have the moon glowing brighter by carving closer towards the inside of the pumpkin! I fee.l completely inspired to do some pumpkin carving now!

  7. arrynvogan says:

    This looks so good! I am quite impressed with your pumpkin carving abilities! I can’t wait to see your sisters either.

  8. easten2 says:

    This is such an amazing pumpkin! I think it’s even better than last’s years, if it were possible:)

  9. Margaret says:

    Melody, number one, your “backstreet’s back” allusion was not lost on me. number two, love the pumpkin!!! fun fact: i can see the actual town of sleepy hollow from where I live in nyack! it’s right across the river. we drove through it last week and all their road signs are orange & black with an image of the headless horseman on them! i feel inspired to re-read the legend!

  10. Laurie says:

    I’m stunned, Melody! That is the most remarkable pumpkin carving I’ve ever seen! I can’t wait to see next year’s–seriously!

    (This is Laurie, Easten’s mom)

What are you thinking?