Why Decorating for Christmas Matters to Me

Decorating for Christmas seems like such a trivial thing to many who believe in the religious importance of Christmas.  Then there are others who decorate for Christmas because it’s just the thing to do at this time of year.  I don’t know where you fall, but I’ve sort of been tossing between these extremes and wondering where I fall and what I believe.

This year as I was putting up my Christmas decorations I felt a very distinct feeling that I was doing more than just making my house look nice for the holidays.  It felt more like I was decorating for a party.  And not just any party, but the birthday party of Jesus.  Then I realized that the reason that doing this matters to me is because I want to acknowledge the importance of the birth of Jesus.  It just blows my mind when I think about how this baby was born to ordinary parents in a barely-on-the-map town in a stable of all things, and we’re still celebrating his birth over two thousand years later!  Even if you don’t believe that Jesus is the son of God, you have to wonder why  this time of year matters so much to so many people.

At the request of one of my readers I’ll show you some of my Christmas decorations, but now it just doesn’t seem grand enough.  Maybe next year I’ll go all Clark Griswold.  Maybe.

About Melody

My name is Melody Martin. Check out my art blog, and learn all about the steps and techniques that go into oil paintings.
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14 Responses to Why Decorating for Christmas Matters to Me

  1. Melody,
    Your home looks so gorgeous and festive; fit for celebrating the birth of a king…OUR KING! Enjoy your first Christmas in your new home! Looking forward to seeing you on the 14th!
    Hugs, Renee’

  2. Ally says:

    I love it! I wish we were neighbors so we could decorate together.

  3. Easten says:

    Your house looks beautiful! I especially love the greenery and lights on the stairway railing. My old roommate used to do that, and it looked so magical with all the lights off and just the tree and stairs lit up.

  4. Holly Niphakis says:

    It’s all so festive and heart warming and I love the falling snow effect on the door, too.

  5. arrynvogan says:

    They look wonderful. I especially love the banister! I will be posting something similar soon of our decorations too!, I just love it!

  6. Nate says:

    Mel, Check out this link:
    It shows a cool project combining two different things featured on this blog:
    Christmas decorating and Terrarium making.

  7. Beautiful decorations — love the contrast of the bright objects against so much crisp white. Especially liked the composition of the pic of the front door — pretty!

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