More Plantage

A terrarium is, technically, a sealed environment in which plants and/or animals are kept.  Like this one that I made last year:

All I had to do was to mist it every few weeks and the water would recycle itself within the jar.  I learned the hard way that plants that crave moisture (like moss) thrive in this environment, but plants that need less water (like succulents) will rot.  Before I go on about plants, I feel that I must warn you that the relationship is more one-sided.  I think this says it all:

Ok, so my secret is out.  I’m like the creepy stalker and my plants are all like “Didn’t I get a restraining order?”

But I persevered and assembled two more open “terrariums” for my mother-in-law and sister-in-law.  Here is one of them:

My dad, who is an accomplished gardener, gave me a few tips last time I built a terrarium.  First I put down a layer of rocks so that there could be some drainage at the bottom of the glass jar.  Then I put down a layer of peat moss to absorb water, and a layer of Cactus soil which has nutrients for the plants that I was using (all succulents and cacti).  I placed the plants where I wanted, and put some moss (of course!) down on top of the soil.  Here’s a close-up:

And a view from above:

Because it’s open, this arrangement will need to be misted with water every couple of days.  My only concern is that the plants will outgrow the jar.  I guess it’s another wait and see!

About Melody

My name is Melody Martin. Check out my art blog, and learn all about the steps and techniques that go into oil paintings.
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10 Responses to More Plantage

  1. Holly Niphakis says:

    mum here….It is visually beautiful in a way that makes my heart feel beautiful and I want to thank the Lord for His marvelous creations
    and for the variety of creativity He has put in each of us and in you!

  2. easten2 says:

    I love the succulent terrariums! Looks like you’ve brought a bit of San Diego to PA!

  3. Carolyn Martin says:

    I am the proud recipient of this beautiful terrarium. And I am thrilled with it :-)))

  4. arrynvogan says:

    I really love these. I think they are so cute and really beautiful as well.

  5. Erika says:

    This looks so amazing!! I need to look into this terrarium business, I guess…looks super fun!

What are you thinking?